Success stories

Iberdrola is Spain’s leading energy group with a leading international position that makes it one of the world’s leading energy operators.

Digitization and Inventory Service

– Inventory and digitalization of documentation of goods and rights over real estate assets in Iberdrola’s files.
– Uploading of data to corporate asset information systems on inventory assets.

Transformer Substations Legalization Service

– Definition of the procedure and workflow of the Transformer Substation Legalization cycle.
– Comprehensive management of the contracting file: land contracting, preparation of notarial minutes, technical and legal analysis and assistance, tax settlement, registration in the land registry and cadastral alteration; digitalization and incorporation of the signed and registered public document into the Property Management System.
– Updating of information in the corporate property information systems.

Inventory Analysis and Management for the Segregation and Sale of Power Substations

– Analysis of the situation and properties that make up the land of the Electric Substation facilities.
– Cartography and Topography works. Processing of segregation licenses for each of the substations before the different official bodies, integral management of groupings of properties, communities of property, certificates of notoriety, purchase and sale of land, contributions, settlement of taxes, registration in the land registry and cadastral adaptation.
– Updating of information in corporate property computer systems.

Our services in the field of renewables have involved the definition of the procedure and workflow of the cycle of wind farms owned by Iberdrola Renovables in Spain.

Integral Management of Wind Farm Legalization

– Definition of the procedure and workflow of the Wind Farm Legalization cycle.
– Comprehensive management of the contracting file: land contracting, preparation of notarial minutes, technical and legal analysis and assistance, tax settlement, registration in the land registry and cadastral alteration; digitalization and incorporation of the signed and registered public document into the Property Management System.
– Mass tax filing system and billing process of royalties on behalf of third parties
– Updating of information in the corporate property information systems.

Repsol is a recognized integrated energy company with extensive experience in the sector, developing upstream and downstream activities around the world.

Management, analysis and regularization of Repsol lands

– Analysis of the situation and properties on historical parcels and current cadastral overlap of facilities.
– Historical analysis of the tract of ownership on land of facilities.
– Cartography and Topography works. Processing of Segregation Licenses before the different official organisms, integral management of groupings of estates, communities of goods, notoriety acts, purchase-sale of lands, contributions, liquidation of taxes, inscription in the registry of the property and cadastral adequacy.

Management, analysis and regularization of Repsol lands

Project for the identification and inventory of ENDESA Generación's assets.

– Updated inventory of the assets and rights over ENDESA Generación’s real estate assets in Catalonia, Aragon and Andalusia.
– Identification, research and verification of the property information available in the files of the aforementioned assets.
– Updating of the information in the corporate property computer systems.

Asset management services for updating information and regularization 2009-2019

– Endesa Heritage Documentary Management: elaboration of treatment plans, digitalization.
– Elaboration of deliverables and massive and individualized loading of records in Endesa’s corporate systems.
– Assets Regularizations
– Preparation of asset and urban planning reports and asset management studies.

Inventory Analysis and Management for the Regularization of ENDESA's Electrical Substation and housing assets

– Analysis of the situation and properties that make up the land of the facilities of electrical substations and housing.
– Cartography and Topography works. Processing of Segregation Licenses before the different official organisms, integral management of groupings of properties, liquidation of taxes, inscription in the land registry and cadastral adequacy.

SEPES is a public agency attached to the Ministry of Public Works, whose mission is to achieve the social and economic rebalancing of the whole Spanish territory through the promotion, acquisition and preparation of land for residential, industrial, tertiary and service settlements.

Analysis and adequacy of the physical reality, legal situation, land registry and cadastral registration of land

Property regularization of urban development actions for the Property Division. Preparation of legal reports on property situation, adaptation of the legal status to the physical reality.

Design, Implementation and Service of Document Management associated with the Digital Mailroom.

– Custom software application
– Digital mailroom Service

Group Document Management

– Design and implementation of SharePoint-based software tools for document management aimed at medium and large organizations. It provides added value in terms of information systems and control of the different phases of the life cycle of documents, flows, custody and expurgation. It is an organizational tool that manages all the information related to the document life cycle.
– Corporate Intranet
– Reporting

Consulting and Development for Real Estate Management

Design and implementation of software tools for real estate management.

Document management oriented to Digital Transformation

– Analysis of CLH’s Document Management processes in order to homogenize the organization, consultation and conservation of documents, and to propose solutions and recommendations for improvement in order to achieve a “Digital Office”, considering the principles of document management contained in the International and National Standards.
– Analysis of the existing document series in each organizational unit.
– Study of the management and intermediate filing systems in each organizational unit.
– Proposal of documentation to be eliminated, digitized or sent to the external archive.
– Definition of the Document Management Standards by Area, considering the Standards and Procedures that apply in the group.
– Basic training on the Group’s document managers and good document practices to avoid generating paper.
– Digitization, processing and outsourcing of documentation
– Execution of digital transformation strategies.

Document management oriented to Digital Transformation in Catalonia

– Analysis of the Document Management processes of REE documentation in Catalonia in order to homogenize the organization, to consult and conserve documents, and to propose solutions and recommendations for improvement in order to achieve a “Digital Office”, considering the principles of document management contained in the International and National Standards.
– Analysis of the existing documentary series in each organizational unit.
– Study of the management and intermediate filing systems in each organizational unit.
– Proposal of documentation to be eliminated, digitized or sent to external archiving.
– Definition of the Document Management Standards by Area, considering the Standards and Procedures that apply in the group.
– Basic training on the Group’s document managers and good document practices to avoid generating paper.

Wind Farm Legalization Management

– Definition of the procedure and workflow of the Wind Farm Legalization cycle.
– Comprehensive management of the contracting file: land contracting, preparation of notarial minutes, technical and legal analysis and assistance, tax settlement, registration in the land registry and cadastral alteration; digitalization and incorporation of the signed and registered public document into the Property Management System.
– Mass tax filing system.

Digital Transformation Process and digital mailroom

– Analysis of the Document Management processes of EDP documentation in Asturias in order to homogenize the organization, consultation and conservation of documents, and propose solutions and recommendations for improvement to achieve a “Digital Office”, considering the principles of document management contained in the International and National Standards.
– Analysis of the existing documentary series in each organizational unit.
– Study of the management and intermediate filing systems in each organizational unit.
– Proposal of documentation to be eliminated, digitized or sent to external archiving.
– Definition of the Document Management Standards by Area, considering the Standards and Procedures that apply in the group.
– Basic training on the Group’s document managers and good document practices to avoid generating paper.

Archival Indexing and Documentary Treatment Service at Cepsa Group Manufacturing Sites

– Obtaining the existing documentation in the Cepsa Group’s manufacturing centers.
– Analysis of the documentation.
– Definition of the Area’s specific documentary model and the physical and digital content of the files.
– Classification of the Documentation.
– Proposal of documentation to be eliminated, digitalized or sent to the external custody service.
– Digitalization and Archiving of the documentation in physical and Digital format.
– Standardization of the physical and digital archival structures and documentary flows.

Asset Standardization Service

– Identification and analysis of rights over real estate assets in Cepsa’s files.
– Drafting of urban planning reports.
– Updating of geo-positioning, registry and cadastral information.
– Ordering, classification and digitalization of heritage documentation.
– Uploading and loading of data to the corporate heritage information systems on inventory assets.

Asset Management System

– IT asset management tool aimed at medium and large organizations. It provides added value in terms of information systems and control of the different phases of the life cycle of real estate assets: acquisition, administration, management and disinvestment. It is an organizational tool that manages all the information related to the asset life cycle of a real estate asset.

Document Management System

Document management software tool aimed at medium and large organizations. It provides added value in terms of information systems and control of the different phases of the document life cycle, flows, custody and expurgation. It is an organizational tool that manages all the information related to the document life cycle.

Digital Office Implementation

– Analysis of the Cepsa Group’s Document Management processes in order to standardize the organization, consultation and conservation of documents, and to propose solutions and recommendations for improvement to achieve a “Digital Office”, considering the principles of document management contained in International and National Standards.
– Analysis of the existing documentary series in each organizational unit.
– Study of the management and intermediate filing systems in each organizational unit.
– Proposal of documentation to be eliminated, digitized or sent to the external archive.
– Definition of the Document Management Standards by Area, considering the Standards and Procedures applicable to the group.
– Basic training on the Group’s document managers and good document practices to avoid generating paper.

Contact us at

+34 914 343 442

Av. Juan Caramuel 1, Pl. 2º A Technological Park. 28919 Leganés (Madrid)

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